Top 10 Tips on How to Help You Deal With Anger

There is no doubt about it 'anger' is a very strong emotion, unfortunately it can be a very destructive one as well. We can choose to suppress it or act it out, however when we suppress it and bottle it up inside, we can sometimes experience a range of physical symptoms, common ones are headaches, nausea and palpitations. If we cannot control our anger the chances are that someone will get hurt. The following are tips on. how to deal with anger in a healthier mode. By adapting these new techniques and behaviours a better quality of life will be gradually be found not just for you but for everyone else who is involved in your life. The success of these techniques do not happen overnight, but with practice and perseverance, will give a great head start to a more fulfilled and purposeful.

Ask Why You Are Angry Acknowledge and know why you are angry. Beware of what types of situations that trigger the anger.Healthy Communication Instead of communicating aggressively, start learning how to communicate in a more constructive manner. Be more aware of the non verbal types of communication i.e. tone of voice, eyes rolling and shrugging of shoulders.Brainstorming If a situation is continuing to make you angry and upset, start to brainstorm what other solutions there is until one comes up that is acceptable.Empathy Empathise with the other person and try to understand where he/she is coming from.Do Things You Like Go for a walk, run or swim until you calm down. Get some fresh air, it will surprise you how nature can have a calming effect on your mood.Calm Down Before Confronting Try your best to relax. If it is necessary to confront the other person make sure to use the skills of healthy communication to get your point over.Stay Focused Remember you may have a very valid point but when your delivery stinks you have lost the battle!Breathing Exercises Get into the habit of practicing deep breathing exercises on a regular basisUnwind Chill out, listen to some calming music. Take a long hot bath and give yourself a self pampering evening.Talk it over with a trusted friend, someone who is unbiased and who you can trust. This will help you to unwind and hopefully allow you to look at things in a more rational manner.

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