Tips for Controlling Anger

Tips for Controlling Anger and for Forming Positive Habits

We have already learned from the past about how dangerous it is for a person to become angry and why a person should do everything in his power to distance himself from such a person. However, we need to be able to do some introspection and learn to form the positive traits and habits to counteract anger. Learning how to Control Anger is a very difficult task, but it is worth every moment of hard work and frustration that you will need to put in. We need to recognize the root cause of anger and how to manage it in order to successfully work at uprooting this disease. A person has many wants, desires, or will which are at the core of who a person is, and it is a persons greatest drive. The reason why anger is so difficult to control is because a person who is angered at a situation is because it went directly against his own will or desires. The anger is triggered because the situation went directly against "Me." We know the opposite of anger is patience, so in order to control that anger with patience we have to let our patience bear the burden of that something that went against your will.

One of the many ways to develop and train yourself to become patient is by making yourself accustomed to speak gently to all people at all times. This will undoubtedly protect you from anger; a raised voice is one of the factors which starts or causes arguments. We know that anger is an extremely negative character trait; because it is so negative it is appropriate for people to go to the opposite extreme and distance himself from anger on an extreme level, such as ignoring friends which are known to be angry. Even when anger may be justified like in a case where someone hits your brand new car, you should still try and train yourself to remain calm and refrain from anger. Furthermore, if you want to instill fear in your children in order to teach them or discipline them you should only appear to them as if you are angry but in your mind you should be completely calm. You should act like a person who is pretending to be angry but really is not.

Another very useful and helpful trick to develop the trait of patience is by fixing yourself a certain amount of time every day where you try and be patient with everything you see and hear; even for the things that may upset you. During those 15 to 30 minutes, or however long you choose you need to strive to not lose your composure. If you feel that there is a case where you simply need to react than you should do it with a measured and calm voice without becoming overly emotional. You will slowly start to notice yourself becoming a happier person when you don't get angry at certain things.

This article was written by professional speaker and motivational author Eli Attias from his website. His website provides many informational and inspiring posts and articles on what it means to be happy and touches upon many topics such as Anger, Self-Control, Patience, Relationship Advice, and much more. You can visit his website at

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