How to Not Overreact With Emotion

Counterfeit emotions. What are they and how do we tell the difference?

For starters, know what feels good. Not as in a 'high' that you come down from but one that stays no matter what is going on for you.

Becoming successful because you are angry and you seek revenge is counterfeit. Like anything fake, you will be exposed. You will become successful and possibly rich but because it was done for the wrong reasons, you will fall too. It will not last.

Inside you will feel miserable among other things like desperate, lonely, isolated and out of touch. If you don't feel that, you will. Realizing that anger you hang onto against someone else is not and will not serve you, ever. The person you are angry at has gone on with their life never to look back, while you live in constant torment.

Putting yourself through mental and physical torture to be 'right'. We all know, but may not really grasp, money does not make for happiness. Yes it helps, but if you aren't happy to begin with, what makes you think money is going to do it for you?

Because you have a ton of money and can buy things or people, is that true happiness? Isn't it a better option to realize happiness from a good place first? Once you are there, in that good place, you can always use the past anger as a motivator, but when it's part is played, leave it be.

If you are having a difficult time realizing the cause of the anger therefore having a hard time letting it go, hypnosis may be an option. Uncovering old hurts through this means is actually non invasive and brings with it clarity and tremendous healing. You remain relaxed in a safe environment and can express whatever comes up for you then and there. Then it is over.

You may process it for a day or two, maybe not, but either way, it won't matter, Your perception of past events will change for you forever and it will have no more pull on you.

Find the time in your life and feel what is right and what isn't. What are your motivations for doing certain things? Are they pure? Good things do not feel bad. Bad things do not feel good. Unless you have distorted thinking then your perception of things are off center. This could be the result of the circumstances around you. Surrounding yourself with negative situations and people will shatter your best intentions.Old programing may also be a cause in which case your subconscious mind thinks it is helping you by opening old files in your memory and reminding you of past experiences.

But you do have a choice. For starters, challenge the old thinking. Secondly, lose the negative friends and bad situations.

Trust in yourself to know what is good for you. If you are going against what you feel or what you know is best for you, you are exhibiting counterfeit emotions.

Imagine a counterfeit bill of money. It gets passed around, misleading everyone, robbing everyone whom it comes into contact with and eventually it is exposed. Once exposed it gets destroyed.

Your life is worth much more than that.

Suzanne Jones is a Certified Hypnotherapist and has a blog at She blogs about her experiences in and the importance of perception, self trust and intuition. Most of her writings are based on factual events either experienced by herself or those around her. Suzanne believes that through someone else, your own truth may be realized. For a free Hypnosis relaxation audio or free Information guide on Hypnosis and Self Trust visit

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