The Golden Rule Shines Even in Traffic

Perhaps we have heard a variation on it, but this principle is a thread in every religion, spiritual teaching and current civilization.

Being alone in my car may make it easier for me to act and think on the selfish side since I am alone with few to observe my less than "golden" actions or words -maybe that's one reason this is the easiest place to forget. Few of us would act the same way in line at the grocery..

Do I REALLY want someone in a car nearby shouting ugly things at me, tailgating while waving their arms in disgust, or cutting me off with a "what's wrong with you, stupid" look as they go by? I really don't. In fact, when it happens TO me, my feelings are hurt and I am left feeling horrible for a while. Is that really what I am trying to do to the other person or am I just exploding with selfishness for the moment without thought to how it will affect the other person---Just do what I want!

SO when I start out to do these things, it sure does help if I remember to remind myself of this wonderful suggestion; that the thoughts and actions I practice will make my day and part of who I am for the days that follow.....AND that I am not the only important person on the planet..or even this stretch of road. Who knows what the next person is walking through or driving toward today?

I can leave my home at the exact same time and with the exact same amount of traffic on the road and have completely different feelings and reactions along the way. This reminds me that it is not the traffic, the construction, the way my husband, kids or cats behaved before I left home or even other people on the road that are of prime importance, but the condition of my spirit leading my emotions. Feelings come from the inside and not from outward circumstances.

Another gem that you have probably heard "It's not what happens to you, it's what you do with it". Another principle shared with me is "It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us". Because this is a principle and not a guideline, it is not for me to edit to "sometimes" or "depending on the cause". Read literally, it also doesn't say that I am always at fault for things that happen or that others are ----simply that if I am disturbed by something ---the problem is in me.

How do I prepare for conditions I may know I am "driving" into or countermand my reaction to unpleasant circumstances as they occur?

In my car, it's as easy to dial back as it is to let my self-centered agenda get the best of me. For me, music really does soothe the savage beast! I use my mp3 player to help me "pause when agitated.." and have a mellow tunes playlist always ready to calm and even to redirect me to my source of emotional stability.

In daily life, my regular tools are my morning quiet time, my daily power nap and quick inventory at lunch, positive prayer and affirmations filed away over years of repetitive use, along with favorite feel good movies and books that point me on the road to (and many times back to) smiling gratitude.

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