Controlling Your Anger for a Harmonious Life

Anger is a vital emotion and is part of your make-up which can help you if you are in an unsafe environment or situation and aids us to respond effectually. Whereas the emotion of anger is required, it is essential that the anger does not control your life, and controlling anger is something which some people find really tough to do.

You see angry people nearly every day and you always try and keep clear of them because there's no knowing what will start them off and you definitely do not want to be near them the next time their ferocious temper explodes. But think of this, what if these angry individuals are right there in your house and you can't get away from them? What would you do? But even worse yet, what if you are an angry person and you just don't realize it yet?

If you think you have an anger problem you must then learn how to control your anger because many otherwise blissful relationships have been ruined by one partner's failure in controlling their anger. Eventually what happens is that the thought of living with someone who has an anger management problem becomes less and less pleasant for the other partner who finally and unsurprisingly leaves.

If you find that you keep getting the same results and reactions from individuals in your life, then it could be you who is at fault. It is probably what you're doing that you're not conscious of. This should be a wake-up call telling you that you must change now! The sooner you can see this anger in yourself and the realisation that you need to change as soon as possible then the earlier you'll have your life back on track.

In discovering apt ways of controlling anger, it is beneficial to find alternate ways to direct emotions and add a new viewpoint. If you think back about what has made you angry in the past, you will maybe see that in most of the instances where you permitted your temper to get out of control, it essentially made the situation a lot worse in the long run, rather than made anything any better. Remember, this is a significant realisation in acquiring the skill to control your temper. So whenever you find yourself in a confrontation either at work, home or any public place don't just lash out, detach yourself from the situation, take a step back, calm down and think sensibly about what the consequences of your actions will be.

If sometime during the day you find that you are starting to feel angry about something take an energetic walk, or do some jogging. It is a good idea to use exercise as a suitable medium to rid yourself of the frustration and anger, so a good thing for you to do would be to join a gym you may find that by spending some time at the gym, swimming, pumping iron, or by hitting a punch bag instead of people that your anger can be lowered considerably. Also you will feel fitter and more relaxed and ready to face the world. This is a very effective way of controlling anger. Good Luck!

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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