Calm In All Circumstances

Preferring the order of faith, to deal with the challenges of the hour stoically, there is a capacity for calm in all circumstances - a vision, for some, of acting apart from themselves and detached from their trivial and stifling emotions.

If it is possible to pray and be thankful in all circumstances, it is also possible to be interminably calm. Such a state takes the presented moment entirely as it is - in truth - and it promises itself no scope for panic, self-consciousness, fear, or otherwise.

Even in the midst of inexplicable anxiety, it rises above and redeems strength from the Spirit beyond itself. All this is done by deliberate faith; an act of the will.


We're often constrained by the shadow cast over our characters, either in limiting our personal capacity to experience calm, or in being tripped up in personality clashes - other people upsetting our focus and ability to draw calm.

Calm must get beyond these sorts of challenges. It must step beyond them to draw strength from the Spirit and, therefore, in that, be revived supernaturally by the Spirit. We must somehow get past the constraints of our typical humanity.

At some point we must decide for the mind of Christ - to leave what's worldly behind in our wake; then calm clings to our situational persona and we can breathe.


Sometimes we find concepts easier when they are taken by acronym:

1. Clarity of thought and decision-making: the clearer and less distracted our thinking processes are, the calmer we can be. When we are calm and ordered for thought, decision-making is also made plain-wisdom, as each avails the moment, is not far away.

2. Act in alignment with objectives: if we know ourselves and what is important to us, keeping calm is about acting in alignment with those objectives. What should upset us if we know that becoming upset takes us away from our objectives?

3. Lament nothing in the moment: the best part of lament - the practice of experiencing sorrow - is held in reflection; when we have the time to gather our thoughts and process feelings. Lamenting anything in the moment, apart from genuine grief, is a waste of emotive energy, taking us full away from calm.

4. Maturity is the goal: the endpoint of calm is always maturity; both are synonymous with each other. When we add up calm moments we achieve one period of maturity. When such periods are added up our characters are being conformed to maturity.


Being calm provides many benefits. Even in tough circumstances it's possible to remain calm. Staying calm will ensure the best is made of bad situations. Importantly, retaining calm empowers our next moment.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

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