Anger is one of the dominant emotions pervading the minds of most individuals. For many individuals, it is with the help of anger that they express their wants when they are upset. Anger is actually in response to some other reaction that we are experiencing at the moment. Doctors and psychologists say that anger is usually the secondary response on the emotional chain. There is always a preceding emotion. Learning to understand the feelings which get covered under the mask of anger is important for controlling anger. Anger management classes are therefore very helpful in dealing with anger. Anger management classes teach skills to reduce stress also to individuals.
Stress dominates the life of an individual in modern times. Work stress, examination stress or even stress from household works- stress dominates the life of individuals completely. Anger management classes also teach on how to reduce stress. When the stress levels increase, individuals feel uneasy. But when the levels decrease, they feel better than before. Clinical research shows that high levels of stress over long periods of time can harm your body and tour mind. Identifying and managing stress is a solution that is offered in these classes.
During high stress levels, often an individual says something harsh which he may not have otherwise said to his peers. These classes through discussion try to sort the problem from the roots. The individual may be a part of a group discussion or even may be in a one to one discussion with his instructor. During the course of the discussion, the instructor finds out the causes underlying stress in the individual. Individuals who are shy and do not want to share their experiences in front of everyone is given time to share their thoughts with the instructor in a one to one meeting. Other individuals who had earlier experienced stress are often brought to these classes and made to share their experiences. It has been found that people often up to these persons more than to instructors. This may be because they feel that this individual will be able to understand their problem as he also had gone through the same phase.
Poor performance by an individual leads to verbal chiding by the instructors. However, when an individual performs well, he is praised to boost his confidence level. From California to Connecticut, anger management classes are very useful.
The instructors at the anger management classes focus on the fact that what causes stress in one individual may not affect another individual. Therefore the method of dealing with stress varies from individual to individual. Relaxation techniques are taught to the individuals to get rid from stress effectively. Yoga, meditation and exercises are one of the most common stress management techniques. Yoga and meditation helps to calm the minds and the nerves of the individual, therefore reducing the stress quotient in the individual. Through meditation an individual can analyze himself and this will help in boosting self-confidence and also provide relaxation. The average length class is an 8 hour anger management class.
Therefore anger management classes teach certain skills to reduce stress effectively in an individual.
Ari Novick, Ph.D. is Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a certified anger management provider for both adults and adolescents. Dr. Novick is also an adjunct professor of psychology at Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology.
He is Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a certified anger management provider for both adults and adolescents. Click here for more information on Anger Management Classes
Dr. Ari Novick is a psychotherapist who provides world class Anger Management Classes Online.
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