Controlling Anger: The Social Damage Anger Causes

Who would want to be surrounded by an Angry person? We always see those angry people in the streets screaming at their children, screaming at their wives, or simply screaming at the people around them. How is that any quality of life? I personally wouldn't want to be surrounded by such a person and certainly wouldn't want to become acquainted with such a person. We will see how and why anger is such a terrible characteristic to have.

We all know of that person in our neighborhood or have heard of that one person that constantly gets angry and is hot-headed. Subsequently, it is natural for you to try and stay away from that person, or ignore him, or distance yourself from him. Why? For one simple reason, you feel threatened by such an attitude. People who are are and reinforce their rage with their actions are simply unaware of what they are doing. They do many things in their anger that would not normally do when they are in a calm state or in a state of piece of mine. Anger causes a person to think irrationally and to speak irrationally which triggered a whole range of disputes and fights. We have all heard of the phrase "Getting up on the wrong side of the bed." We all try and distance ourselves from a cranky or moody person because we know it will most probably end badly. It is human nature for a person to try and distance themselves from an angry person and that is why it is important that every person should try and eradicate this terrible trait of Anger from within them. An angry person simply does not find favor in the eyes of other people. Moreover, the angry person is more likely to be hated among other people. His deeds will not be accepted by the people around him.

Furthermore, an angry person is a burden to his family. His family has to constantly hear his rage and complaints and may often be the subject to which the rage and anger is directed. A family would find it quite difficult to live with an angry person. A person who creates an atmosphere of fear in his household because of his anger is like a murderer squandering his families ability to grow outside their realm of fear. People need to distance themselves from anger, that is why it is so common and often where angry people are rejected and not kept close by. The ills of anger are self evident, causing a person to be disliked and avoided. Remember; "Anger is one letter short of Danger".

This article was written by professional speaker and motivational author Eli Attias from his website

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