Anger Triggers - How to Overcome Anger

Have you ever heard someone say "They made me angry"?

Children say this all the time, especially with they're siblings. They claim that they couldn't help getting angry that it was someone else's fault.

As adults many people do this as well. They give control of their emotions over to someone else so that not all of the blame falls on them. After all, who wants to be responsible for feelings like anger?

There's one simple truth though that so few people understand it's shocking.

NO ONE but YOU controls you. Every emotion, every action you take is the result of how you think. That's right it all starts in your mind.

For a moment imagine a bright spring morning. Birds are twittering outside, the sun's shining down, leaf buds dot the trees. Everything is perfect.

Now on this perfect spring day there's a man. He leaves the house not noticing the birds as he grumbles about all of the work he has to get done. His children cry out for hugs and kisses and he gives them with more than a hint of annoyance, warning his kids that if they aren't good for their mother he's going to spank their butts. Then he gets in the car and drives onto the highway. As with every morning the traffic comes to a near standstill, and this man begins swearing and banging on his steering wheel as his face turns red.

What if he'd made the decision to be happy that morning instead?

Being angry isn't fun for anyone and it effects everyone around you. Choosing to be happy becomes an exercise in self control and changing the way you think about things.

Everyone has triggers, things that happen around them set off these triggers putting you in a bad mood. If you can figure out what these triggers are you can change them. Now I'm not suggesting hypnosis or thousands of hours sitting on a rock contemplating life. Most of us don't have time for that kind of self reflection. What I'm suggesting is far easier.

The moment you start to feel angry, stop, look around and find what triggered that emotion. Then take a deep breath, suck the air all the way down to your navel and hold it there for a few seconds then release. As you release push the anger out with it. Let yourself relax. Focus on something that makes you happy. If your trigger was a person try to find one good thing about them, even if it's just their hair. Focus on that.

These triggers won't disappear overnight, but with each time you do this it becomes easier and slowly those triggers disappear.

Life isn't easy. But as you improve yourself things will fall into place. For the tips and steps you need to set you on the right path go to

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