Anger Management Class: Learn to Address Your Rage

When should you consider taking an anger management class? Well, as life gets more stressful, you might find it difficult to navigate through it without losing your temper. In extreme cases, you might actual hurt someone if you can't control your anger. Even if your behavior doesn't become that bad.

Because courts are seeing more people lashing out in irritation, they are often requiring people to take one of these courses. However, you really don't have to wait for things to get that bad. You can also find such classes online or in your community and go on your own accord.

Most of these courses are done in small groups. Perhaps no more than a dozen students might be present, although many are even smaller. The course itself usually runs anywhere from six to eight weeks.

There is a lot of classroom instruction during the course. Much of it will focus on identifying when you are losing your temper, also called knowing your triggers. The other main area then focuses on tools you can use to diffuse your rage when you feel it rising.

One area that you'll cover is how external factors might be exacerbating your tendency to get angry. The teacher will help you understand the connection between alcohol or drug use and getting angry. It might also touch on how challenging family dynamics can contribute to your anger.

However, it is important to note that these courses are not therapy. If there is a significant underlying cause to your rage, it might be helpful to also find the right resource to help you deal with that. This class is designed to help you control how you express your negative emotions, not help resolve any underlying issues that might be causing it.

A good anger management class will also teach you very specific exercises and tools that you can use. For example, you will likely learn how to speak in more constructive ways, rather than responding emotionally. You will also probably learn how to use your breathing to help calm down.

One aspect that can vary greatly from one anger management class to another is how interactive they are. Some classes will be primarily a teacher instructing with a bit of role playing by students to help you learn to use the tools. In other classes, the students might be expected to share on a more personal level about their emotional challenges. When you are selecting an anger management class, you might want to understand what the student participation expectations are.

Go here to learn more about how an anger management class can help you.

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who is the developer of several online anger management courses.

Original article

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