I've had this one scene from a movie playing through my mind all day. It comes from 'The Road to El Dorado'. The scene is where the two main characters are talking and the one looks at the other and says "You know that little voice that tells you to stop while you're ahead? You don't have one."
We all have that little voice in our minds. Sometimes it's so quiet that we don't hear it. I'm not talking about the negativity voice that I've referenced in other articles. This is more the warning voice, that little voice that tells you to stop yelling at your children, to not say what's going through your mind to your spouse, to generally not let you temper get the better of you.
Think for a moment about someone who yelled at you. Generally it doesn't matter what they're saying or if their even right, the more they yell the more you become entrenched in your own defense. It doesn't matter if you might even agree with them, most people will shut down or yell back. Neither option helps the situation in any way.
Let's go back to El Dorado for a moment. For those not familiar with what El Dorado is, it was a mythical city made entirely of gold. Even the poorest man built his home of gold.
Each of us has the ability to do that. I'm not talking literally, but the emotions that swell within us affect our actions. You can choose to yell and bring blackness to the world, or spread joy to everyone, painting everything gold.
Happiness is a choice, just as anger is a choice. The things within our lives have created triggers that automatically make us feel angry or happy. We associate these feelings with memories and because of those memories we act a certain way. Changing your emotions only takes a few steps.
1. You have to RECOGNIZE the trigger - When you feel angry and upset stop and remove yourself from the situation. Take a look at what made you feel that way. Once you Recognize what is going on within your own thoughts and emotions and what those triggers are you can start to change.
2. Choose to feel something else - This can be as simple as thinking of a favorite song (as long as it brings happy emotions) or fixing a happy memory within your mind.
3. Practice - Like everything mastery of this skill takes practice. Michael Jordan didn't become a star the first time he picked up a ball.
Like the citizens of El Dorado you can live your life surrounded by gold - golden memories, golden feelings, golden moments. The decision is up to you.
Life isn't easy. But as you improve yourself things will fall into place. For the tips and steps you need to set you on the right path go to http://www.topselfhelpsecrets.com/
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